Hey Umee. Testnet rewards will be distributed **.
09 Aug 2022, 03:26
Hey Umee! 📣
Testnet rewards will be distributed **
Testnet rewards will be found directly within the Umee wallet used to interact with the testnet, and will vest over the course of 8 months. The entire amount can be staked from the moment you receive the tokens.
*Please select the main Umee network on Keplr and not the Umeemania testnet*
Please note that while we have atttempted to identify and reward as many real active testers as possible, not all testnet participants will receive UMEE token rewards.
*(Over 100k+ bots were removed due to our comprehensive filtering)*
There will be many more opportunities to earn UMEE tokens in the near future.
We sincerely apologize for the delay, we thank you for your patience and for sticking with us!